George Fox – William Penn – Mary Barrett Dyer – James Nayler
to NAME a few.. ” Healers, jumpers,. the NATURAL ORDER BASED “
like,. ” indians, asians, africans, peasants, as,. ALL free souls of long ago.. “
flourishing freely,. their NATURAL ORDER BASED vessels,.
crownian,. aligorical
(or wJaTeVer not)
Your daily piTted hijacked LiFe,. consumed,
coloUrful self appointed creationist penmen
holding jobs
your new local citizenry
operating under,.
CONcepts and protocol
just showed up..
penned paid installed anTiCd,.
natural order design and evolution.
The CHi energy oblivious enslaved,
local enclave trOugH raIsED
mystic militant cabal church
protocol bound
raping the,. rest?
Sorry bout your luck learning to appreciate, EXTERMINATORS.
Time for getting back to,. ” natural order “
Brilliant lovely ” look-at-able “
Try this.. Our Great Wellness!
Aetheric Blue – StONEStONE.iNFO – WORLDenglish.iNFO
MID LATE 1700s – The Constitutional Convention
The Constitutional Convention
Woman (to Benjamin Franklin):
“Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic
or a Monarchy?”
Benjamin Franklin:
“A Republic, if you can keep it.”
re-PUB-li-c ?
McHenry, The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787
Constitution Facts – Constitution Files – Constitutional Convention
William Penns efforts to set up Pennsylvania and Surrounding Area
something,. pre REPUBLIC.. were by virtue of,. an attempt
to maintain a non intrusive societal order
steadfastly far more civilized, based around equality, without war?
Reality is right before you by the way,. if you would just CHOSE to unveil iT!
William Penn wrote – NO CROSS NO CROWN
In a land where many were not yet so literate,. the title summed it up.
Found this neat write 1681 – William Penn
Nearly 100 years BEFORE the,. wig and costume university governments
first WAR for us,. sKiT.
Letter to those,. ” ALREADY residing in Pennsylvania “
For you are now fixed at the mercy of no governor that comes to make his fortune great; you shall be governed by laws of your own making and live a free, and if you will, a sober and industrious life. I shall not usurp the right of any, or oppress his person. God has furnished me with a better resolution and has given me his grace to keep it.
William Penn i mentioned also wrote,. No Cross No Crown.
That, sums that, up.
The fleeing,. have no need for explanation.
Most everything the sKiT holds together,.
becomes MOOT upon founder principles.
FOUNDERS calling for and upholding EXTERMINATION of others..
are no doubt obviously afflicted by the, behavior,
they were,. taught to learn.
Nothing a..
SUN and natural order design SUN worshipper
would ever have willingly..
(subjects of the imposters protocol)
left go unattended,
Paines Common Sense are what the evolving english literate
understood as the gospel,. that would eliminate..
natural order oblivious unABLE sKiT anTiCizing priest
goUvernEments,. ” per-versions “
sowing life unto illiterate ass backward anTiCiSms,
the, in general,.
continuing criminal enterprise
piTting THE gift LiFe, with mandatory CONflicts
purported administration,. ideaology, MAMING..
and the delusional whim of
piTt-ed re-WARD-ed,. citizenry
lost upon aspirations of being,
hoWeVer their day race,.
paid – sKiT Raised – ill led, half lifed
f@Cr diCd groundless
SUN and natural order
meditation observation
core rate
high resolute ill radiating
ill leading the,. rest..
with the,.
L A t eST
radio, tv, and internet sold
Job holding – paying
until expired,
The Original You,. Virtual Too!
To each their own personal untouchable right
to relate to whatever this universe
that some call god,. … .. . or not.
Well,. DOMAiNs will be DOMAiNS!
Say iT BesT with DOMAiNS and EXTENSiONS that Say iT BesT!
iS.. the GiFT!
Did i mention,. DOMAiN BASED DOMAiNiNG,. domainer?
The Mobile You,. your eMail.. DOMAiN NAME BASED!
Say iT BesT with DOMAiNS and EXTENSiONS that Say iT BesT!
DOMAiN BASE,. you!
iDEA MARKETiNG – Advertising – DeSiGn
DOMAIiN BASED DOMAiNiNG,. domainer..
the RaGe!
Huh.. ? oh.. aLL right.. – – >
wHaT? – ok just kiDDing.. check these!
Well,. get one,. or half a dozen or so,. or
one for every day of the week while you are at it.
Non Tax system In T eR t wi N e D
NON RELIGIOUS ” belief culture free ” society
of friendly folk,. trying to be friendly.
wHaT.. your goD SAiD.. different?
well,. i happen to know the, UNiVERSE,. personally.
The GiFT iS LiFe!
Without an aetheric energy gathering
SUN shine sonny created
LASER beam evolved
light, able radiating vessel.. you aint.
” no driving game for you “
no RuLiNg or,. GoOfernEment
over any other anything.
Seems a no brainer?
To include
ZERO gasSing and climate rape of the atmosphere
” you are the CARNival baZaAr that half lifes ALL you,. garner “
Like.. the cursed.. except,. yous chose to get paid..
as you are the imposter government, carrying out the,
of whatever hijacked enclave it is,.
” plain site gas cloud kill half life the slaves CCE in progreSS ? “
Its ok.. you CAN tell on your selves!
DOMAiN PRiVACY available.
ReaL ReDeMpTioN!
Views: 2853